Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt exposes ‘what really happens in the greenroom’ with wild clip
Ainsley Earhardt has given fans a sneaky look at what goes on behind-the-scenes at Fox News and fans are all saying the same thing.
Ainsley Earhardt dances in new video
Ainsley Earhardt has exposed the Fox News greenroom antics.
The 48-year-old news anchor, who got engaged to her co-star Sean Hannity over the festive period, took to Instagram on Wednesday to share a joint post with Fox & Friends. The video showed fans what goes on when the stars aren’t delivering hard-hitting news.
The video began with Ainsley line dancing with her hands on her hips as Rednex’s iconic track Cotton Eyed Joe played in the background.
Despite being off camera, Ainsley was dressed to impress in a pair of checkered grey pants and a black blouse. She completed her look with brown ankle boots.
The camera then panned to Ainsley’s co-star, Lawrence B. Jones, who could not help but laugh as she continued busting her wild dance moves.
Ainsley Earhardt dancing BTS of Fox & Friends (Image: Instagram/aearhardt)
But it didn’t take him long to join in on the action. While the 32-year-old political commentator didn’t give as much energy as his co-star, he still bopped his head and feet to the beat before bursting into a fit of laughter.
Laurence was also dressed in his work attire – donning a gray blazer, black pants and a blue tie and skirt.
“What really happens in the Fox & Friends greenroom,” Ainsley captioned the funky video.
And it didn’t take fans long to dish their verdicts on the pair’s crazy dance moves.
The duo’s colleague Anna Kooiman commented: “Go go go!” followed by a heart-struck face, a dancer and a cowboy emoji.
One fan joked: “I thought I was watching Elaine on “Seinfeld,” for a second..” as another added: “It is Texas showdown! Giddy up!”
A fourth fan gushed: “So cute! You guys have the moves!!” with a fifth dishing some words of encouragement: “Yes ma’am Ainsley! Country girl shake it for me.”
“I just love you so much. You are a trip. So beautiful inside and out and I love this little spunky side of you,” a sixth viewer chimed in.