‘Wheel of Fortune’: Fans Say ‘That Hurt’ After Contestant Loses Car on Easy Puzzle
Wheel of Fortune/YouTube
A Wheel of Fortune contestant was not delighted after losing a car in the Bonus Round. He did well most of the game until the end when many fans thought the puzzle was easy to solve.
Ryan Halsey, from Santa Barbara, California, rung in on the first tossup – “Hula Dance Instructor” – winning $1,000 to start the game off. He played against Hawanya Jackson-Elliott, from Detroit, Michigan, and Jo Ann Bomkamp, from Woodstock, Illinois.
Jackson-Elliot, a social worker for developmentally disabled adults, guessed the second toss up- “Green Sea Turtles” – winning $2,000. Halsey, a self-described hotel nerd, solved the first puzzle – “Margarita, Mojito, Mimosa, Mudslide” – bringing his total to $8,900.
For the second puzzle, Bomkamp, a retired teacher, landed on “Bankrupt,” but didn’t lose anything as she had no money. Halsey was on a roll, solving most of the puzzle, and picking up a Wild Card until he also landed on “Bankrupt,” ending his turn. Jackson-Elliott guessed a letter, but it wasn’t on the board. Bomkamp landed on “Bankrupt” once again. Halsey solved the puzzle – “Taking a break from social media”- which made his total $12,400.
During the next puzzle, Halsey landed on an Express Strip, which meant that every letter he guessed got him $1,000. He got $13,050 just from that round and solved the puzzle – “Another perfect day.” The game show contestant also won a trip to Costa Rica for solving the puzzle.
In the Triple Tossup round, Halsey answered one correctly and so did Jackson-Elliot. They both got $2,000 from their guesses. Halsey guessed the third one, winning another $2,000.
On the final puzzle, Halsey landed on “Bankrupt,” ending his streak of guessing letters. Jackson-Elliot led the round, getting almost $4,000 before the final spin. Bonkamp came through in the end and guessed “Dreams Really Do Come True,” winning $3,700. Jackson-Elliot took home $4,000. Halsey was the night’s big winner with $39,450 and a trip to Costa Rica.
For the Bonus Round, Halsey chose “Phrase” as the category. He brought his parents, Tim and Jerry, along to watch him win.
After Wheel gave him “R,S,T,L,N, and E,” Halsey chose “G,F,H, and O.” After that, his puzzle looked like “_ _O_L_ _E _EL_GHTE_.”
Halsey tried to guess saying, “I am delighted.” He muttered a few other things before the timer ran out. “You were on to it,” host Ryan Seacrest said. “I would be delighted” was the puzzle. Seacrest opened the envelope and told Halsey that he lost out on the Ford Bronco, but still left with nearly $40,000.
The video was posted to YouTube and fans took pity on Halsey’s loss.
“Ouch that hurt,” commented one fan.
“Tough solve,” said another.
“Ouch,” wrote a third.
“How did he not get that bonus round? He was brilliant all night and then bam!” said one user.