Rihanna delighted her fans by sharing a humorous video of her son on social media. In the clip, the 28-year-old pop superstar captured a playful moment with her little boy, who was caught trying to get his hands on her phone while they were in the car.
In the video, Rihanna’s son, who can be seen in the backseat, is intently reaching for her phone with a determined look on his face. Rihanna, with her characteristic humor, narrates the moment by saying, “You tryna get Mommy’s phone?” Her light-hearted commentary and her son’s adorable antics have sparked laughter and smiles among her followers.
The video captures a candid and endearing side of Rihanna’s life as a mother, showcasing her playful interaction with her child. The clip not only highlights her relatable parenting moments but also her ability to connect with her fans through these genuine and funny glimpses into her personal life.
Fans quickly responded with a flood of comments, expressing their amusement and appreciation for the glimpse into Rihanna’s life outside of her music and fashion empire. The video has become a hit, reinforcing Rihanna’s status as a beloved celebrity who enjoys sharing the joys and laughs of her everyday experiences with her audience.