Bombshell Report Reveals Why Caitlin Clark Was Snubbed By USA Women’s Olympic Team, And It Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With Basketball

Caitlin Clark gesturingCaitlin Clark (Photo by Greg Fiume/Getty Images)

Caitlin Clark was shockingly left off the 2024 U.S. Olympic women’s basketball roster despite being the most popular female player in the nation.

While popularity only counts for so much, Clark is one of the most skilled shooters in the game, so her name was expected to be among the first selected for the games.

USA Today reached out to USA Basketball, the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee, and Clark herself on Saturday morning but could not get comment.

However, sources close to the situation have told the publication Clark’s snub had nothing to do with basketball.

According to the insiders, there was concern over how Caitlin Clark’s millions of fans would react to her limited minutes, given how “stacked” the roster is.

“Two other sources, both long-time U.S. basketball veterans with decades of experience in the women’s game, told USA TODAY Sports Friday that concern over how Clark’s millions of fans would react to what would likely be limited playing time on a stacked roster was a factor in the decision making,” the report reads.

Should the above carry any truth, it would suggest that there really is massive divide between the fan-favorite Clark and WNBA veterans.

Diana Taurasi, one of the league’s most prominent vets, warned the former Iowa Hawkeyes star ahead of the draft. Taurasi told Clark she would experience a dose of reality in the pros.

It does seem like she was correct in her assessment, but this could be deeper than meets the eye.

The U.S. women’s Olympic basketball team has been the most successful in the world and hasn’t lost a game since 1992. Despite their dominance, they hardly attract coverage.

Caitlin Clark could have changed that, but it will have to wait.

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